Tuesday, June 20, 2006

World Cup Fever

poketo and i watched korea vs. france at a fashion show while handing out t-shirts to skinny fashionistas.  when korea scored, we screamed out loud and the hipsters (who wouldn’t know what a soccerball was if it fell on their lopsided haircuts) looked at us like we were bugging out.  everyone except for this mexican couple who ran over to our table yelling “viva korea!”  this is what i love about world cup, which in my experience seems to unite people from different backgrounds more than it divides them.  then again, we were playing france, and everybody hates the french. 'cept maybe people with lopsided haircuts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


One of my greatest sonic memories of visiting my parents in Korea was listening to their entire bedroom city erupting in unison during a televised game. A roaring crowd of Korean fans - separated and stacked in high rise apartments.

11:44 PM  
Blogger Shig MacBatches said...

wow. where can i cop that hot lopsided coiff? i could also use a pair of white frame sunglasses that are too big for my head. and my head is hella big. so im talking about them country fair novelty joints. hook it up!

11:32 AM  

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